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Adjusting To Life As A Distance Learner

Adjusting to Life as a Distance Learner


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many students to adapt to online learning.  It’s an educational process that allows students to perform tasks without being physically present in a classroom. It offers many benefits such as the ability to study at your own pace and enjoy flexible expat education as you can attend classes from anywhere in the world.



Some people consider online learning an easier alternative to traditional classroom-based learning. The reason for this is that online students need to be more self-motivated and disciplined to succeed. There is no one to remind you to do your work or keep you on track as the hours are flexible, so you need to be able to motivate yourself. In fact, studies have shown that online students perform better than their counterparts in brick-and-mortar classrooms.

Making the decision to study online is a big one. Though the number of students who choose to enroll in online courses is growing every year, still many of them hesitate to make the switch. There are several myths about online learning that continue to circulate, and it’s often difficult to know what to believe. It’s important to do your research to make sure that online learning is the right fit for you.

As someone who is accustomed to attending classes in person, it can be a difficult adjustment to make when you suddenly have to start learning from home. Here are a few tips for students to help them adapt to online learning and make the transition smoother.


1. Be self-motivated

In a traditional classroom setting, many external factors can help motivate students: the fear of being reprimanded by the teacher, the desire to keep up with classmates, or simply the structure of the class itself. When you’re at home, you don’t have the same level of interaction with your peers and teachers, so it’s essential to find other ways to motivate yourself. One of the best ways to stay motivated in online learning is to set regular goals and deadlines. Having a goal to work towards and setting regular deadlines will ensure you’re making progress.


2. Get organized and create a study schedule

One of the benefits of learning from home is that you have a lot more control over your time. The biggest challenge here is to stay on top of your studies. Without a set regular time for studying, it can be easy to let assignments slip through the cracks. If you allow yourself to get too behind, it will be difficult to catch up. You can create a study schedule that works around your other commitments, such as work or family obligations. Getting organized from the start will help you stay on track and make the most of your time.


3. Create a dedicated study space

When you’re learning from home, it’s important to have a place where you can focus on your studies. It can be tempting to study in bed or on the couch, but this will make it more difficult to concentrate. Create a space in your home that’s just for studying. Find a quiet place where no one will interrupt you and get everything you need such as a desk, laptop, and textbooks. Make sure it’s well-lit and comfortable so you can stay focused.


4. Eliminate distractions

With so many distractions at home, it’s often difficult to stay productive. Turn off your phone, close the door to your room, and set a timer for a specific amount of time. Once you start studying, try to avoid all distractions and focus on the task. Take a break if you need one: get up and walk around or grab a snack so you can come back refreshed and ready for more activities.


5. Take advantage of office hours and online resources

Teachers want you to succeed and are usually available to help if you’re struggling. They offer office hours, which are a great time to ask questions and get feedback on your work. Use these times if you’re struggling with an assignment or concept. In addition, many online programs have an extensive list of resources such as digital libraries, tutoring services, and online discussion boards. These are all great tools to help you succeed in your studies.


6. Set realistic expectations

One of the most important things to remember is to be realistic about what you want to achieve. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and try to do too much at once. Take things one step at a time and focus on your immediate goals. Don’t take on too much and end up getting stressed out or burning yourself out. Learning from home can be a great experience if you manage your time and expectations wisely.


7. Stay connected

When you aren’t in a traditional classroom setting, it can be easy to feel isolated. Make an effort to reach out to your fellow students and connect with them online. You can use social media, discussion boards, or video conferencing to stay in touch. Consider joining an online student community or participating in forums and discussions. These connections will help you feel more invested in your studies and can make the learning process more enjoyable.


8. Make use of different tools

Technology has come a long way in recent years and many online resources, apps, and software are now available that can make studying more convenient and effective. You can download apps or use online tools to help you schedule your study time, take notes, and create flashcards. For example, you can use free video recording software to record lectures or video discussions and review them later. Be sure to take advantage of these tools to get the most out of your distance learning experience.


Wrap Up

Online learning is a great option for those who are looking for flexibility and convenience. Though there are some challenges, don’t let them discourage you from pursuing your education. Keep these tips in mind, be patient, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. With a little planning and effort, you can run successful distance learning.