expat network

What’s Working Down Under

From Rob Flemming: The Federal Government of Australia is maintaining its migration programme to target the country’s skill shortages. Many places in the regional sponsored migration scheme are reserved for skilled workers.

Location Report: Saudi Arabia

Life in Saudi may not be the same as other countries, but considering that there is no tax of any kind and that you can repatriate 100% of your savings, working in Saudi Arabia is still attractive at least in the short-term, for expatriates.

Aberdeen – The North Sea Needs You!

From Rob Flemming: As though mirroring Britain’s wet winter weather, it seems that everyone has recently evaluated the North Sea’s oil and gas (O&G) industry, resulting in a flood of reviews and analyses.


Aberdeen – Places of Oil and Granite

From Rob Flemming: Between the Rivers Dee and Don, the golden strand of beach is an elegant curve that stretches for some two miles. Less than a mile behind those dimpled sands ground fine by the North Sea’s chill waves, lies the glittering Granite City of Aberdeen.